DiscoverNew Rory & MALEpisode 299 | Side A / Side B
Episode 299 | Side A / Side B

Episode 299 | Side A / Side B

Update: 2024-09-03


This podcast delves into a wide range of topics, starting with a discussion about Fergie's ethnicity and the meaning of the term "Hollabat Girl," which is initially defined as a woman receptive to catcalling. The conversation then shifts to childhood memories and how certain songs helped the speakers learn to spell, leading to a discussion about the alphabet and autism. The speakers explore the evolution of "Hollabat Girl" in the digital age, considering how social media and online interactions have changed the way people communicate. They also discuss the perception of time and how it changes as people age, reflecting on the year so far and personal growth. The podcast then delves into the challenges of balancing work and family life, particularly for parents who are constantly on the go. One speaker discusses their current transition phase in life and the lessons they are learning, while another explores the impact of the media cycle on personal relationships and how it can create division and conflict. The conversation then shifts to adaptability and how it can be both a positive and negative trait, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and avoiding toxic environments. The speakers explore the possibility of leaving the entertainment business and pursuing a more stable career, discussing the challenges of the industry and the desire for a clear path and comfort. They also discuss the idea of pursuing a recession-proof career, such as in the medical industry or funeral business. The conversation then turns to the speaker's ideal life after marriage, including spending time with family and pursuing hobbies, while emphasizing their desire to maintain financial independence. The discussion shifts to prenuptial agreements and the speaker's stance on them, expressing a strong aversion to signing a prenup, even if their partner is a billionaire. The conversation explores the complexities of love, money, and fidelity in a relationship. The podcast lightens the mood with a humorous anecdote about a mobile booty filler service in Hollywood, discussing the prevalence of cosmetic procedures in the entertainment industry. The conversation delves into the production side of pornography, with the speakers sharing their observations about the behind-the-scenes aspects of the industry. They also touch upon the hypocrisy of thanking God for success in the adult entertainment industry. The conversation takes a bizarre turn as the speakers discuss Mormon sex practices, specifically the concept of "soaking," exploring the absurdity of the practice and its implications for sexual purity and virginity. A voicemail from a listener raises the question of how to navigate friend dynamics after getting married, leading to a discussion about the challenges of maintaining friendships when your life structure changes and the need to find new connections with people who are on a similar life path. Another voicemail from a listener explores the phenomenon of men becoming more passive and demanding in relationships, while women are expected to chase them. The speakers discuss the reasons behind this shift, including the impact of the #MeToo movement and the changing dynamics of dating. The conversation takes a controversial turn as the speakers speculate about the potential impact of the COVID-19 vaccine on male behavior, suggesting that the vaccine may have contributed to a decrease in male assertiveness and an increase in passivity. The conversation begins with a discussion about the impact of feminism on men's behavior, with one speaker arguing that the feminist movement has led to men being more relaxed and reserved, while the other disagrees, stating that feminism is about empowering women and ensuring equality. The conversation shifts to dating dynamics and assumptions, with one speaker suggesting that men often feel like they are just an option when dating, while the other argues that dating is a process of getting to know someone and doesn't necessarily mean exclusivity. The conversation continues with a discussion about the importance of communication in dating, emphasizing the need for honesty and transparency. The conversation concludes with a personal anecdote about a couple who met on a dating app, discussing the importance of being open to different dating experiences and the potential for finding love in unexpected places.


Angie: Home Services Made Easy and Fergie's Ethnicity

This segment is an advertisement for Angie, a home services platform that connects homeowners with skilled professionals for various projects. The conversation then revolves around Fergie's ethnicity, with the speakers initially assuming she is white due to her appearance. They discuss her musical career and the song "Hollaback Girl," which the speakers believe defines the term "Hollabat Girl" as a woman who is receptive to catcalling.

Spelling in Songs, Childhood Memories, and the Alphabet and Autism

The conversation shifts to childhood memories and how certain songs helped them learn to spell. They discuss the song "Hollaback Girl" again, specifically the part where Fergie spells "bananas" in the song's cadence. They also reminisce about other songs that taught them spelling, like "ABC-DEF-GH" and "L-M-N-O-P." The conversation delves into the topic of the alphabet and how some people can recite it backwards. They discuss whether this ability is related to autism, with one speaker suggesting that it might be a sign of being on the spectrum. They also discuss the challenges of balancing work and family life, particularly for parents who are constantly on the go.

The Evolution of "Hollabat Girl" and Time's Relativity

The conversation returns to the term "Hollabat Girl" and how its meaning has evolved in the digital age. They discuss how social media and online interactions have changed the way people communicate and how the term "Hollabat Girl" might now apply to someone who responds to direct messages or catcalls online. The conversation explores the perception of time and how it changes as people age. They discuss how time seems to move faster as people get older, and how this can be attributed to a growing scale of reference for time. They also discuss the song "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Green Day and its connection to the events of 9/11.

Reflecting on the Year So Far, Transition Phases, and Life Lessons

The conversation shifts to a reflection on the year so far and how the speakers have felt about it. They discuss the challenges of balancing work and family life, particularly for parents who are constantly on the go. They also discuss the importance of self-awareness and how it can lead to personal growth and change. One of the speakers discusses their current transition phase in life and how they are learning valuable lessons. They describe their tendency to experience abrupt changes and how they are currently facing a "big red wall" that requires them to make significant changes.

The Impact of the Media Cycle on Personal Relationships and Adaptability, Toxicity, and Self-Awareness

The conversation explores the impact of the media cycle on personal relationships and how it can create division and conflict. They discuss how negative news and divisive rhetoric can seep into personal interactions and how they are choosing to avoid these spaces to protect their mental health. The conversation delves into the topic of adaptability and how it can be both a positive and negative trait. They discuss how being able to adapt to negative situations can sometimes lead to a pattern of putting oneself in those situations, and how it's important to be self-aware and avoid toxic environments.

Leaving the Entertainment Business and Finding a Recession-Proof Career

The conversation explores the possibility of leaving the entertainment business and pursuing a more stable career. They discuss the challenges of the entertainment industry and the desire for a clear path and comfort. They also discuss the idea of pursuing a recession-proof career, such as in the medical industry or funeral business.

Life After Marriage, Prenuptial Agreements, and Fidelity

The conversation starts with a discussion about the speaker's ideal life after marriage, including spending time with family and pursuing hobbies. They emphasize their desire to maintain financial independence and not rely solely on a partner. The discussion shifts to prenuptial agreements and the speaker's stance on them. They express a strong aversion to signing a prenup, even if their partner is a billionaire. The conversation explores the complexities of love, money, and fidelity in a relationship.

Booty Fillers and Hollywood, Porn Production, and Religious Hypocrisy

The conversation lightens the mood with a humorous anecdote about a mobile booty filler service in Hollywood. The speakers discuss the prevalence of cosmetic procedures in the entertainment industry and the absurdity of some of the practices. The conversation delves into the production side of pornography, with the speakers sharing their observations about the behind-the-scenes aspects of the industry. They also touch upon the hypocrisy of thanking God for success in the adult entertainment industry.

Mormon Sex Practices, Post-Wedding Friend Dynamics, and The Rise of the "Bitch" Boyfriend

The conversation takes a bizarre turn as the speakers discuss Mormon sex practices, specifically the concept of "soaking." They explore the absurdity of the practice and its implications for sexual purity and virginity. A voicemail from a listener raises the question of how to navigate friend dynamics after getting married. The speakers discuss the challenges of maintaining friendships when your life structure changes and the need to find new connections with people who are on a similar life path. Another voicemail from a listener explores the phenomenon of men becoming more passive and demanding in relationships, while women are expected to chase them. The speakers discuss the reasons behind this shift, including the impact of the #MeToo movement and the changing dynamics of dating.

The Vaccine and Male Passivity, The Impact of Feminism on Men's Behavior, and Dating Dynamics and Assumptions

The conversation takes a controversial turn as the speakers speculate about the potential impact of the COVID-19 vaccine on male behavior. They suggest that the vaccine may have contributed to a decrease in male assertiveness and an increase in passivity. The conversation begins with a discussion about the impact of feminism on men's behavior. One speaker argues that the feminist movement has led to men being more relaxed and reserved, while the other disagrees, stating that feminism is about empowering women and ensuring equality. The conversation shifts to dating dynamics and assumptions. One speaker suggests that men often feel like they are just an option when dating, while the other argues that dating is a process of getting to know someone and doesn't necessarily mean exclusivity.

The Importance of Communication in Dating and A Personal Anecdote about Dating

The conversation continues with a discussion about the importance of communication in dating. One speaker emphasizes the need for honesty and transparency, while the other shares a personal anecdote about a situation where a woman was dating multiple people. The conversation concludes with a personal anecdote about a couple who met on a dating app. The speakers discuss the importance of being open to different dating experiences and the potential for finding love in unexpected places.


Hollabat Girl

A term popularized by Fergie's song "Hollaback Girl," originally referring to a woman who is receptive to catcalling. In the digital age, the term may now apply to someone who responds to direct messages or online catcalls.

Recession-Proof Career

A career that is less likely to be affected by economic downturns. Examples include healthcare, funeral services, and essential industries.


The ability to understand one's own thoughts, feelings, and motivations. It is a crucial aspect of personal growth and can help individuals make better decisions and navigate challenging situations.

Transition Phase

A period of significant change and adjustment in an individual's life. It can be a time of uncertainty and challenge, but also an opportunity for growth and transformation.

Media Cycle

The constant flow of news and information in the media, which can often be driven by negative or divisive content. It can have a significant impact on public opinion and personal relationships.

Toxic Environment

A situation or relationship that is harmful or damaging to an individual's well-being. It can be characterized by negativity, conflict, and unhealthy behaviors.


The ability to adjust to new situations and challenges. While adaptability can be a valuable trait, it can also lead to a pattern of putting oneself in negative situations if not accompanied by self-awareness.

Prenuptial Agreement

A legal document signed by a couple before marriage, outlining the division of assets and property in case of divorce. It protects the financial interests of both parties.

#MeToo Movement

A social movement that emerged in 2017, raising awareness of sexual harassment and assault, particularly against women. It has had a significant impact on gender dynamics and male behavior.


  • What is Angie and how does it help homeowners?

    Angie is a home services platform that connects homeowners with skilled professionals for various projects, from everyday maintenance to dream projects. They offer tools to simplify the process, including online project submission, comparing quotes, and instant connections with professionals.

  • What is the meaning of "Hollabat Girl" and how has it evolved in the digital age?

    "Hollabat Girl" is a term popularized by Fergie's song "Hollaback Girl," originally referring to a woman who is receptive to catcalling. In the digital age, the term may now apply to someone who responds to direct messages or online catcalls, reflecting the changing nature of communication and interaction.

  • What are some of the challenges of balancing work and family life, particularly for parents who are constantly on the go?

    Balancing work and family life can be challenging, especially for parents who are constantly traveling or working long hours. It can lead to feelings of overwhelm and guilt, as individuals struggle to be present in both their professional and personal lives.

  • What are some of the benefits and drawbacks of being highly adaptable?

    Adaptability is a valuable trait that allows individuals to adjust to new situations and challenges. However, it can also lead to a pattern of putting oneself in negative situations if not accompanied by self-awareness. It's important to be able to identify toxic environments and avoid them, even if one has the skills to navigate them.

  • What are some of the reasons why someone might consider leaving the entertainment business?

    The entertainment industry can be cutthroat and demanding, with a lack of clear paths to success. Individuals may seek a more stable and predictable career path, particularly as they prioritize family and personal well-being. They may also desire a career that is less affected by economic downturns, such as in the medical industry or funeral business.

  • What are the speaker's thoughts on prenuptial agreements, especially in the context of a billionaire partner?

    The speaker strongly opposes prenuptial agreements, even if their partner is wealthy. They believe that love and trust should be the foundation of a relationship, not financial security.

  • How does the #MeToo movement influence male behavior in dating?

    Some women believe that the #MeToo movement has made men more hesitant to show interest in women for fear of being accused of sexual misconduct. This fear can lead to a more passive approach to dating.

  • What are the speaker's views on the changing dynamics of dating in the modern era?

    The speakers observe that men are becoming less assertive and more demanding in relationships, while women are expected to chase them. They attribute this shift to a combination of factors, including the #MeToo movement and the rise of social media.

  • How has the feminist movement impacted men's behavior?

    The speakers have differing opinions on this topic. One believes that feminism has led to men being more relaxed and reserved, while the other argues that it has empowered women and promoted equality.

  • What are some common assumptions people make about dating?

    One speaker suggests that men often assume they are just an option when dating, while the other believes that dating is a process of getting to know someone and doesn't necessarily mean exclusivity.

  • Why is communication important in dating?

    Communication is essential for building trust and healthy relationships. It allows people to be honest about their intentions and actions, which can prevent misunderstandings and conflict.

  • What are some examples of dating experiences that can be both positive and challenging?

    The speakers discuss the use of dating apps and the importance of being open to different dating experiences. They also share a personal anecdote about a couple who met on a dating app, highlighting the potential for finding love in unexpected places.

Show Notes

Happy September! Demaris has discovered the meaning of a classic song, and Mal once again is here to prove that he’s a bit… different… than the rest of us . The team does our bi-quarterly Mental Health Check In, where Rory shares some challenges he is facing, including balancing fatherhood and work (14:34 ). Demaris and Julian share some struggles they faced this year as well(25:44 ), and Mal gives them some tried and true advice (33:01 ). They have a conversation about potentially leaving the entertainment industry and consider recession proof industries (41:04 ). The second half of the episode takes a strong turn, with discussion on illegal plastic surgery, how awkward soaking as a Mormon must be, and how cocaine and Chinese food should replace Ozempic (51:57 ). We have voicemails! The first one is from a fan who gained a marriage and lost friends (1:11:11 ), and the second is from a woman wanting to know why men and women have seemed to switch roles in courtship - leading to a conversation that will probably get us cancelled (1:16:13 ). 

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Episode 299 | Side A / Side B

Episode 299 | Side A / Side B

Rory Farrell & Jamil "Mal" Clay & Studio71